Graham White E-bell?

Welcome to the forum “railroadman2007”

Dang - gotta be quick round here…

If anyone is interested I have one for sale also 450 shipped. Email to

Hey guys I just got a ebell… it is the 011 part number. Figuring out all the parts a need to hook it up in my 15 dodge 2500 diesel… any ideas on how and what I’ll need? Converter inverter? I know our engines run on 74 volts

I actually ordered a ebell part 011 does anyone know what I’ll need to hook it up in a 15 dodge 2500 diesel … I believe I’ll need a inverter?? 12 volts to 48v D.C.?? Anybody have video of a good set up on a truck that shows how it’s wired? Thanks guys

Are you still selling the e bell?

I thought this forum died! Glad to see it’s back… I still have the E-bell hooked up to my old Civic, not selling it ever :wink: