Halloween Parade and some Scares

No problem sir. Im only 5 min outside of scranton. 1/2 should do the trick, but there may be a few other issues. If that 5 bell keeps sounding like a goose I also have a easy fix for it.

BAHHH!! Thats what makes you a man, lol.

I ordered my exhaust system around this time 2 years ago and put it on my truck myself december ish… Was soooo damn cold, i could barely feel my fingers even with mechanic gloves on… But i learned a piece of cardboard on cold concrete is like a comforter on a bed, lol

Yeah but your 26. I’m 40. LOL. Come do it for me, I’ll give you a quarter and you can go see a movie. LMAO.
Give me sand, 100+ degrees, camel shi+, some concealment, and a scope and I’m good to go.

ha ha you tell how it is SNIPER MAN sir maybe if hes lucky he can see a skin flick for that. na just playn sir your good. buy the way sniper man you are refering to a sniper scope thats is lol.

You come up when its nice we can go shooting some .50’s. I have an affinity for loud items.

I have a .50 S-W, .50 Beowulf on a AR, Bohica Arms .50 BMG Upper on an AR, and a few friends have Barretts.


6.25secs for me…the old dear having a cardiac arrest! lol pmsl

You guys certainly no how to put on a parade!

It will be good for you to get out there and move around in your “old age” :eek:
warm them old bones up, lol

HAHAHAHA :smiley: :wink:

Hey Silvy, does the expression “Bite me!” mean anything to ya? LOL. I may be old, but I’m still fiesty.
Sorry, I got my Geritol and my Viagra confused tonight. Didn’t have my readin’ specks on. Been a walking har* on all night with no where to put it.

you ante rite man lol.

Man, for the most part, them folks never paused their conversation. You had a few jumpy people. Maybe the music was louder than the horns. I dunno.