MAY 10th this year.
Check the map for events in your area.

Yipppppeeeee I am going to take my camera, a 8.5gallon tank full of air, a set of K5’s and a round of cheese & pickle sandwiches to my favourite Level crossing near me and have some fun!:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

We’ve got one in Caldwell, Idaho … one of the local HO and N scale clubs, and they’re near some tracks as well.

I might have to stop by and give them a toot.

I went out to the park and ride next to the train tracks. Honked a couple times, scared the crap out of some guy talking on his phone a few cars down from me by accident. Went honking next to some tracks about a mile or so away from my house, my dad was with me, seen a yard sale, went to it. My dad told the guys of my horn and I got a honk request, and just as an Amtrak was going by, I let the K5’s Rip. Freaken awesome sound as it echoed off of Pine Mountain! :slight_smile:

I rekon you should pop back to pine mountain and do a vid for all of us :slight_smile:

I Need a K5 fix cant let mine off on the drive for at least a few months :o

Anybody got any train day clips ???