Trainporn #2

Good Stuff! :wink:

ahahah great. very well done!!! hahahaha


lol what was that guy atttempting to do when you were stopped at the redlight?

we wonder that too ha. he was digging for something in his bag but then the light changed and we didnt feel like waiting. or i didnt because “i got mad”

haha the poor guy probably just wanted to show you a magic trick in his bag.

lol i bet he was going to throw something!

I see you live in the Bay Area. I love it when that black lady jumps out of the way. To frickin funny!

yup! do you live around there too? or when you say nor-cal do you mean like humboldt, eureka area…?

I live in Contra Costa County, Antioch area.

ah ok like 1.5 hours north ish of me. thats kewl. its funny, i have yet to run into another person with a train horn and i heard most of hbs sales are to cali ha

awesome video!!

Probably to southern cali… not too many up here in the Bay Area.

lol but that just makes it that much more awesome! can’t wait for number 3

F*** yo momma??! Lol
Nice video!

Love the limo part. :smiley:

I liked that video!! :slight_smile:

needs moar vtec =]

Great way to start my Monday over here … LMAO!!!

I recognize pier 39 and the embaradero. We are pretty close, i am in Napa.