06 Scion Xb

pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee those chrome ones are not even half loud compared to the S4 lol…


hahaha poop bro I had those horns they sound good i was saying that he could buy those and then buy just shocker horns and still come out the same. and its nice that the s4s dont have to be mounted to a mian manifold but that also makes them cheaper to make. and its a different tone completely nothing sounds like s4s cause nothing else is made out of plastic besides on other kit on ebay.

those arent the 46129 horns anyway i know what the honk they sound like and that aint it. Scionide you want some trainhorns then get a nathan airchime if you want some
fu*cking air horns then get s4 or whatever else is out there

nothing besides a nathan sounds anything like a nathan compare all the imitation horns and youll find the diaphrams the bore of the bell the material there made from do not compare!!! I would never mistake a s4 for a nathan lol

dont the shocker horns themselves cost 250 ish? just for horns not even the kit… lol

like i say in every single thread, the s4 is the perfect setup for cars due there size, not on a single manifold, great sound, price, and loud. Go ahead and listen to lah33 on buying a k5 for scion…all i got to say is good luck trying to fit that on ur car and modifying it. lah33 ur saying the s4 is expensive…?

lets see…
s4: $240
k5: $1000+
i dont see it…

i only see one person making this a runaway thread

s4 ftmfw

Nice observation, It was a joke…
Brizzal I posted a k5 and a k3ha on a scion and he didnt have much modification. Yes im saying the s4 kit is overpriced. Im saying he can get the kit from airhornsoftexas and still get just s4 horns and come out good.
Im fully aware this site is prodominatley hornblaster’s faithfulls and I respect that.
I may be wrong but i dont recall anyone with s4s recommending that someone should get nathans or leslies which is cool, yall love your horns and i love mine. Its also why i try to tell people to get nathans because so few people do and to me the difference is not comparable. Sorry if I offended some of you im just a die hard nathan fan and I can do without the shocker horns.

I’ve heard a few other people recommend the Nathans and Leslies over the S4s but I’ve also heard the S4 horns are really nice for the price.

Glad to hear it. I dont disagree that they are good horns. I have NEVER heard anything bad about them.

i just dont see how you think the s4 is overpriced… You have no problem with spending $1000+ in a nathan but you say that the $240 s4 is expensive? Thats like shooting yourself in the face with a gun and saying it didnt hurt…
80% of replica train horns have plastic diaphragms as the s4 has stainless. I am a fan of hornblasters because ive dealed with 2 other companies where the customer service sucked, the products didnt last and didnt live up to how they said it would. The s4 surpassed my expectations.

I dont have 1000+ in mine I have 960 and it couldve been 300 cheaper if i would not have gotten an extra 450c or a 160 dollar valve. I could have only spent 660.
hell yeah 240 is expensive for knock off horns…ive seen used nathans go for 325.00 and they dont compare man they just dont thats my opinion. If you shop around and dont buy the 1500 dollar kits then you can peice a kit together for half that price. Sorry you think im crazy but I have airchimes on my ride and i wouldnt ever use anything else

Actually the S4 kit is no where near over priced… I have just gone through your precious airhornsoftexas site and compared the products with what Hornblasters sells and On the majority of the products hornblasters.com comes in lower priced and if they are over its by a few dollars.

Also that site dose not even carry the S4 horns to begin with. that site does have the nathans a tiny bit cheaper but if you also read it says they are “rebuilt” horns anyway yes the nathans are a great horn. but agian for someone who doesn’t want to spend $1000 for the horn only, the S4 horn is about the loudest best sounding horn your can get.

yes the S4 horns are Hornblaster branded bu ell horns but again they are priced lower than what bu ell sells them for, so please tell me how that they are over priced. AND Hornblasters offers a life time warranty on them. Show me another company that will offer that on their “cheap horns”. Hornblasters has by far THE best customer service I have ever seen in a company. I have dealt with them personally and yes i will continue to deal with them over any one else as long as they are here.

And as for you pushing and pushing for this new guy to put nathans on his scion. the guy CLEARLY said he wants nothing major he wants a horn that will get a good scare, the S4 is perfect for that, he doesn’t want anything major because he has a stereo in his trunk, the S4 is perfect for that, and i’m pretty sure if he dosent want "anything major hes not going to want to cut out and raise the floor in the rear of his car. which is what that scion you posted has done to fit 2 sets of nathans under the rear of it, (read video description) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk27qIPyZUs please know WHAT your talking about before you talk someone into something they dont want.

Im not forcing anyone to do anything. Ive purchased things from hornblasters too and did I miss something…where did i say there customer service was lacking. and my “precious” site, come on man shutup with that sh!t. I dont like the s4 sh!t man what do you want me to do about it ive heard them in person and i dont like the tone they are loud yes but everything ive said is my opinion and the fact that it bothers you so much isnt my fault. AIRHORNSOFTEXAS was good to me its where i bought my first kit and they took care of me. The setup they sold me never failed and i used the poop out those horns and it all worked flawlessly. Fu#k I cant belive Im arguing over horns i feel stupid. I really couldnt care less what people get just want them to like what they chose and not wish they wouldve gone bigger. Thats all

Just buy the S4…but I warn you that you will be buying a real train horn within a year.