2013 Ford F250 - Conductor's Special 244K Spare Tire Dual Tank Delete Kit with S6 Upgrade

We’re beyond pumped to feature Ethan P., who took his train horn game to the ULTIMATE LEVEL with an epic install! :fire::boom: Ethan installed our Conductor’s Special 244K Spare Tire Dual Tank Delete Kit :hammer_and_wrench::red_car: and upgraded it with the jaw-dropping Shocker XL 6 Horn Upgrade Kit :steam_locomotive::loud_sound:.

Ethan’s setup is an absolute BEAST, delivering power, performance, and that iconic train horn sound we all love :muscle::dash:. His choice to go with the Shocker XL upgrade means he’s now rocking SIX horns :trumpet::trumpet::trumpet::trumpet::trumpet::trumpet:—ready to turn heads wherever he goes! :raised_hands::fire:

While our Dual Tank Delete Kit is currently discontinued :pensive:, we’re always working on exciting new things for the future. (Who knows? It could make a comeback! :eyes::sparkles:)

Ethan, thank you for trusting us with your build and sharing your incredible setup! :pray: We love seeing our customers push the limits and create something unforgettable. :star2:

Got an install story that deserves to be in the spotlight? Drop us a message or post below—we’d love to feature YOU next! :raising_hand_man::tada:

#TrainHornLife :steam_locomotive::dash: #ShockerXLUpgrade :boom: #ConductorSpecial244K :hammer_and_wrench: #EpicInstall :red_car::loud_sound: #StayTuned