2017 Chevy Silverado - Conductor's Special 244K Spare Tire Delete Kit

Frank H. just equipped his ride with the Conductor’s Special 244K Spare Tire Delete Kit, and WOW – talk about leveling up! :boom::loud_sound: This setup is delivering those powerful train horn vibes that you feel in your chest before you even hear it. :muscle::articulated_lorry:

From worksite to highway, Frank’s Silverado is now the ultimate attention-grabber – loud, proud, and ready to be heard. :pickup_truck::fire:

Way to go, Frank! Thanks for letting us help make your truck unforgettable! :vertical_traffic_light::rotating_light:

#TrainHornLife #ChevySilverado #ConductorSpecial #HornBlastersFamily #MakeSomeNoise :trumpet: