-= 495c Now In Stock!!! =-

I doubt that this will happen, since the box would weigh in around 45 lbs and the price would be around $800!

If you want two that badly, buy two while you can.

FYI - ALWAYS use an 80-amp relay with this pump!

Lance I volunteer as a portable air supplier for people low on tire pressure… tax season is right around the corner and if you would please donate 2 495c compressors to me you can use the list price on your tax forms and get a 1200dollar tax refund! It looks good for business and you can simply write it off. My volunteer work saves life. you will experince a high level of satisfaction by becoming a part of my charity work.

I volunteer for the elderly… and u kno u dont want them to die… throw a couple 495’s my way ill be be SURE TO FILL up the tanks of the elderly so they can breathe out of them and not die… LOL the faster my refill to more old farts i can save

Sorry, but no.

I still have a budget that I have to stay within. It means I am being extremely careful about who gets what - because there’s just not that much to go around this year.

Yea I made all that up but dont blame me for trying

What if I paint my car with a big Viair logo (with permission of course) and be a huge rolling billboard for you guys? Then can I get one? lol

Can’t blame a broke guy for trying!

LOL did u see what i wrote…i was tottally shittin

I know you were bro… it was user “lah33” that I was addressing… sorry I wasn’t more clear.

lol no problemsss just tryin to crack a joke here and there