4th of July honk

Just me and the K5


Having them out on top of the car like that just adds another level doesn’t it. Love it! Great sound through that manual valve.

Love it!! I need to sort out my manual valve and get it rigged up, that’s a great sound!:smiley:

Man, love that 5 bell. I replayed about a dozen times.

Sounds like the camera man had a slight release at the end.

ROTFLMAO… let me explain that one

so he got back in the car and was like, dude thats so loud it vibrated the inner bones of my ears. You don’t feel it in your chest, just deep in your ears. He also said that it was like that before I even got the that cross walk at the intersection.

Yeah I figured he was clinched tighter than a drum and then relaxed when the storm was over.

The link says the video was renamed or removed.

hmm… i didn’t remove it or change anything. here’s another link.


Thanks, that does sound great with the manual valve!

That’s excellent!