A drive through the Park... oops

Well I decided to get out of the house today. Drove to the gas station pumped gas, bought an energy drink, decided to take a nice stroll through the park. As I was driving through the park some one who knows I have horns did the Pull cord Motion, well I couldn’t resist! :smiley: Haven’t done a good honking lately and decided to let the shockers loose, after that it was followed by a bunch of OMG! and F**K YOU!! well, the “Oops” part is that I didn’t know that about 100 yards away there was a lady with a stroller and had a baby in it. I feel like crap now damn it!

Well… it’s not ideal, but don’t let it burden you - although the little critter may have got a fright I’m sure at that distance you wouldn’t have done any damage.

You never know… you may have inspired a new generation of train horn fanatic.

Yeah, true, plus I did not know there was a stroller and a baby that far away. I should have been a little more aware of my surroundings.

I wouldn’t worry about it… Can’t be worse than people standing with kids trackside while rail fanning…

True, well I am feeling better. Did some more work on my bike and trailer.

Wow interesting… just reading all you guys stories so I can put it all together and try to be good when I get mine … try to… lol but don’t get me wrong I’ll never do it around little kids or old people.

and cops…lol

:stuck_out_tongue: How could I forget?!! Haha!

Yep, gotta watch out for cops as well. They can be nasty!