adding more horns?

I have a shocker xl horn on my silverado right now and wanted to add another real high pitched train horn set i found at street beat customs. I have a 1.7 gallon tank and a small compressor so i wanna buy about a 3 gallon and either add another compressor or buy a big one and just do away with the 1/4 horse… Any ideas on compressors and tanks? or any ideas on the best way to wire all this together and tie the air lines together? I’m conflustered this time

Get a k3 with a 5 gallon air tank and a viair 480c and run it at 200 psi and 1/2 air line and 1/2 valve and you wil have a real high pitched train horn in your car trust me

A two or three gallon tank and a Viair 400C would do you perfectly.

The 400C can fill up to a 5 gallon reservoir and is quite fast. It’ll be your best bet for using with horns.

Sorry again for posting on such an old post. Trying to make sure no questions went unanswered.

the shockers are great. you can email hornblasters you can buy shockers one at a time, get two of the short ones and this will give you that hier pitch, i=if you dont want to spend to much?