Air horn kit on a bicycle!!!


I want to put a 135db or louder air horn kit on my bicycle but need some help with how to power it?

Could I use a 12v motorbike battery? I can’t find anywhere that shows the power drain of the compressor. Any ideas?

The alternative is I have a old train horn and run a small charged air tank to it.

All of the train horn kits in the UK are very expensive compared with the us.

Thanks for the help in advance

Welcome to the forum. Check out “repeatman” threads. He’s done it by having one of his wheels turn a pump and an alternator another time.

well, I am currently using a York 210 A/C Pump to air up a 7 gallon aluminum air tank I have. I have it rigged up on my Bicycle Trailer. I currently have my grovers on it but can also use it with a train horn. I have to warn you it is pretty heavy though. I am in need of rigging up a small serp belt that goes from the York to the Alternator due to the excessive heat that the alts pulley puts out when brought up to speed. got a video of it here.

Welcome to the forum, another UK Train horn nutter joins the mayhem.

I sold a set to a customer the other day who is fitting a set to this! I hope it will work as I dont think the battery on the moped will have enough ampage to run the compressor.:confused:

If there is a Will There is a way Pete. :smiley: Can always upgrade the battery and somehow upgrade the alt.

Yes mate your right:D
We too toyed with buying a mobility scooter and fitting it with train horns a couple of years back, was gonna get my Nan to take into local supermarkets whilst we filmed her Hornblasting, but that plan went straight out the window, when she went and died! The brilliant thing was she was tone deaf too!

My father in-law is 98% deaf. About the only thing he still hears is my K3 :cool:

if anything trial and error will do it… find a compressor or buy one and see if it slowly drains it or not… if it does try a small solar panel? to recharge it… it wont keep up or surpass the draining rate of the compressor but it will keep it charged to start the bike :smiley: