Air leak

I tracked down all my air leaks. I did the soap and water test cannot find any more leaks. I am losing about five psi overnight. Is it common to lose some air in extreme cold weather.

Yes it’s common, and 5 psi isn’t much to worry about.

Now if it were 20 psi or more, then yeah, you have a small leak.


I was losing 40. I can deal with 5psi. It has been 20 degrees out. I thought the cold air was playing a part in the drop in the psi. My OCD was kicking in. Lol. Thanks.

Gasses expand and contract with temperature.

In an airtight system you will lose pressure as temperature decreases. But if reheated to the same temperature (maybe the next day) the pressure comes back to the same point.

The truck sat all day and I only lost five psi. Figured the cold air had something to do with it. Good feeling knowing I have no leaks. Having OCD is a beach. Lol