Air leak

Hi guys. I have got a problem with my air horn system. I am now even more worried after reading the hornblasters website. I am from the UK and the only people selling air horn kits was Seige on Ebay. I tried contacting them for help but they have gone bust and didnt want to know about it :frowning: Its a 3 litre system 120psi with 3 horns. Recently the compressor has been staring when I put the ignition on even if I hadnt used to horn and I suspected a leak. I checked it today as it wasnt starting up, the fuse had blown. I replaced the fuse and the compressor ran but it wouldnt go above 90psi. I pulled the fuse and could hear air so checked for leaks. It seems there is air leaking from the compressor, putting my hand over this grate at the end of the tank makes the leak much quieter. Also there seems to be a gap between the compressor and tank. I have took a couple of pics…

Do I need to get a new compressor or is there a way of fixing it? Should I take the compressor off? I have never really messed with it so dont want to break anything.



Can you make another gasket for it?

Sorry you’re having problems… If it was a VIAIR pump, I’d have a means of helping directly…
Sucks that you weren’t assisted by the seller.

Wow, another piece of Shatner from Siege. Sorry to hear you’re having probs. Best thing to do to avoid anymore frustration is to sh*tcan that compressor/tank set up and purchase a separate tank and compressor…

ive burned up 3 of those compressors in 2 months, now they are collecting dust in my shed… your best bet it to buy a new compressor and tank.

buy a new viair compressor, ull be happy in the long run!

Cheers for the replies guys. I guess I will take it to bits and see if I can spot anything wrong with it, any ideas what that grate is at the back that it seems to be leaking from?

I would be happy to buy a new compressor and tank as I originally looked at getting Hornblasters stuff, but as I am in the UK the shipping was very very exspensive for such heavy gear. Does anyone know of a supplier in the UK I could try at all?

Also if I replaced the tank and comressor for a bigger version, maybe even a 200psi set up, would my horns be able to handle it? Its a 3 horn system on a manifold with the valve in the middle, or would I have to stick with a 120psi system? My car is a Vauxhall Omega saloon and I really struggled to get these horns to fit somewhere!



Hi Richard, try this guy.

Right guys cheers for the advice, I need a bit more now lol.

I took the compressor to bits and cant really seem to fix it, looks like the seals have gone around the head etc and I havent got any the right size.

I am looking at the kits on the website V12les posted and I dont know what to buy!

My current system is 110psi. I was thinking of going up in pressure maybe to 145psi. If I do this then will my valve on my horns be able to cope or will that need changing also? Will the extra pressure make much difference or should I stick with 110psi?

Also what size tank should I go for? Most of the kits have a 2 gallon tank. Is there much advantage going up to a 5 gallon tank for 3 smallish horns?
I was looking at this package, should have everything I need to just change the existing system over what do you think?

Any advice would be welcomed.



Got the 450 compressor and 5 gallon tank supplying the HB4H horns on mine. I’d say get the 5 gal tank, you’ll be glad you did!. Where abouts in the UK are you? If your around the South West your more than welcome to check out my set-up. Will be posting some pics on here as soon as i’ve taken 'em off my old truck and installed on the new one.

Support the company that brought you this forum check out they have that kit for less than that website posted and plus they are in the UK and hornblasters also has 200 psi kits

If you’re interested in a Viair compressor, you might try calling the number on their website Lance is at SEMA this week so he may not be able to help you on this forum until he gets back. He should have access to the internet at the show but who knows if he’ll have the time.

If you’re interested in an Oasis Compressor, our dealer in the UK is:
Absolute Air Solution
Unit 3, Station Court
Whissendine Rd.
Ashwell, Rutland
England LE15 7LT
Tel. 07724988862 (this may include the country code)

I posted that site because Richard (like me) is in the UK. I agree about supporting HornBlasters, i waited till i visited the US and had the set-up shipped to my hotel in NY, but shipping that kind of weight to the UK is just tooooo costly. By the way…on my trip next year im hoping to get the K5LA horns courtsey of HornBlasters. I’ve had my horns for a year and a half and the novelty still hasn’t worn off:D

didnt know you two were from the uk sorry =) hornblasters ships international i do belive =)

If Hornblasters ships international then their an excellent option.

I would love to buy from hornblasters as they are obviously the best. I will have to contact them and see how much shipping would be to the UK. Should have bought when the exchange rate was better lol :smiley:

I will email them tomorrow and see if they can help me out.

