Banned but logged in?

I banned “OremEcolloche” on April 15th and I just noticed that he/it is logged in right now.

How is that even possible?

did u not do a permanent ban?

cuz thats a bannable offense…lol jk

Yeah it was a perma ban and a thread delete / cleanup.

I think he was just trying to log in. Looking at the ‘who’s online’ page you could see the stop sign and his warning message. Something like you don’t have access to that part of the website.

Anyways, I was confused at first. Carry on…

noob haha

i love catching these people / bots after only a few min. of signing up and banning them when they advertise movies in there sig… If it is a person on the other end they must get frustrated wondering how they are caught right away so soon. lol

Yeah yeah that’s pretty noobish…lol I was like WTF.

I’d rather ask than read the Gd dm Vbulletin manual though.

there’s a manual? haha

Yea you should have received it in your “Hornblasters official moderator package.”

I was surprised when i received it to! It included a moderator bumper sticker, and a K5la that matt provides for use while in the moderator position… And a HB PA system that is ours to keep.


I got my moderator package, but some body had stolen the K5la, the HB PA and my bumper sticker, I woz gutted!:mad:

Haha somebody that works in customs is sportin’ a K5 and bumper sticker!

:smiley: :wink: