Well sitting at a red light a 18 wheeler pulled up to me and as you all know im the guy that has the crotch rocket with the horns. well i flip my visor up and look up at the trucker and do the honk signal. he honks and i do the flat hand cuting off my head motion like no no no thats weak! so i honk mine and the dud jumps and sarts luaghng his donkey off and gives me 2 thumbs up!
good one!
haha truckers love horns
Can u post a pic of how u have done ur set up?
i have pictures here
and if you scroll down a bit in the scare stories category there is a thread by me call horns on a sport bike
haha Ive done the same thing. although mine is on an accord. props for putting them on a bike
thats just sickk…soo nice how u have done that