
today i got a 75$ ticket that sucks it said blowing train horn thats to funny what a joke i wont stop to much fun when you get sombody to jump a foot in the air it is worth every dollar lol

hahahahaha over here i’m not sure they know how to spell “Train horn” They give out something called an ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Order)… I want to be the first person in the UK to get one on my car!!! pmsl…

75 thats not bad i got one for 114.00 may 27 i am going to court opefully the cop won’t show up

tri4ubb were are you from im in holiday fl the cop was a Richard

Ha ha ha … am loving the Di*k = Richard thing…

So whens the court case mate?

i live in miami, fl and the cop name i don’t even know… May 27 10:00 am gotta be in the court!

good luck hope u win

thx bud i hope that too! i know if he don’t show up i will win but if he does i am fucked

what was the ticket for mine is for sound making device thats bullcrap

mine says…


SECTION: 316.217 (2)

im lucky i aint been busted yet lol. A buddy of mine got a ticket the first day he had his lol

i got all 3
316 217(1)(2)(3) ALL 76.50 here in orlando.

I got a ticket in canada for improper use of a vehicle horn in canada. it took them 30 mins to find it in the book so they could write me up for the proper ticket. it was 100 dollars but since i lived in america they added a additional 25 dollars to it.

your lucky im in tampa and the cop gave me 2 tickets in one stoip… inproper use of horn, and excessively loud horn, i would check the statutes because that sounds like a odd amount for the 115.00… the cop who gave me mine messed up and i could have gotten them thrown out… typically an error on the ticket gets it thrown immiedietly out… sevent five seems low… mine were 91.00 a piece and i think they just raised them to 101.00 in tampa that is

damn. I hope I don’t get mine soon. :smiley: I sometimes honk infront/near a traffic enforcer if the car infront of me is slow.

im almost in tampa im in pasco and i thought 75 dollars was bullcrap all for a horn thats a joke like i told i will keep paying them then he told me he will sieze my truck i laugh at him to funny i hope they cant do that but i guess there cops and do what they want bullcrap

they cant seize your truck, there non moving violations, they can write you a ticket time and time again, as long as you pay them your fine

thats right i ask the same cop that give me the ticket… as long as you pay the tickets u are good

Anti-Social Behavior Order … sounds more like a DIS-order. :slight_smile: