Calling all tampa guys

yea we can do friday night or saturday

were down here…u give us the dates

He confirmed he will be in town the 13th - 18th. So guess it goes by vote from there. I will try and make it up, but no guarantee. I work Friday from 8a-5p, so if you do Friday night I probably won’t be there.

lets plan on saturday the 14th

The day of spring break nationals in daytona :frowning:

fot real sbn is that day i actually might go

friday then?

what time …i work mon thru say 10 to 5

so any ideas anyone?

friday sounds good like around 6 or 5 we can meet up

are we still on guys?

im still down

Final arrangements - Picnic Island, Friday at 6 pm.

I won’t be there, but have fun!
I work until 5, and live 3 hours from Tampa. No possible way I would be there before 9. :frowning:

lol well see

im here in tampa, PM me if anyone wants to chill or BS sometime

man i would but im leaving for orlando at three! and working 11-3 lol… i’ll have to catch up with you next time!

same here yo…maybe sunday…im going to sbn saturday

im here till wednesday if you guys want to meet up

So did anything happen? Or did everyone bail?

if u want we can meet up tonght for a lil bit…im right on bayshore lmk

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