check this out

Got this horn for a friend of mine for $150. Didn’t work but I fixed it.

nice, wanna find me one? lol

I can try!

shoot for $150 id buy it in a heart beat even if i have to learn how to fix them. i just cant see spending $500 for one…

thats an awesome grab… find me one too…lol

you got a real train horn already :stuck_out_tongue: i dont :mad:

lol…doesnt mean he cant find 2 more…lol

I might can find two more. I know a guy that works at a UP repair yard. He said they throw away alot of them when the diaphragms go bad and stuff. He’s supposed to be getting me some. I told him specifically to get me a RS5-T lol

any more nathans and ill take em!

He told me that that is usually all he sees. K3’s

k3s are nathans too…

…I know, that is why I said that is usually all he sees. And then I expanded my answer to tell you that the Nathans he usually sees are K3s lol. Remember, I collect them. I know quite a bit… not bragging lol

look out for a k3 for me :slight_smile: its sucks around where i live there are no repair yards…