Cold weather and pressure switch

Ok, So I installed the Conductor’s Special Model 232 in my FJ Cruiser in April. The weather here in Albuquerque, has started to get cold (single digits at night). I can top off the system about 8pm at night when the temp is in the mid 30’s. When I get up in the morning and it is freezin oven cold, the compressor will run for approx. 12-15 min. My guess is that it is due to the temp (air pressure falls due to freezing temp), since I have no leaks in the system (sprayed with soapy water, and no bubbles on any connection).
Is this normal for anyone else in colder climate areas, or could there be an issue with the pressure switch? Thanks!

when temperature fluxuates like its normal for ur system to lose air. happens to be every day and i have no air leaks either(knock on wood). so ya its normal.

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Pressure and temperature will go up and down together, That’s very normal. Coming into winter now the shop is full of people with their “tire light on”. Their tire may have been at 35 psi a month ago but now its at 29 psi because it’s -30 zero outside. An air tank would have the same issues, NM doesn’t sound to bad this time of year compared to MN. Batteries can decrease there output voltage big time in the cold as well. A lot of dead batteries right now in the midwest states. I want to install a horn soon but do not want the frost bite staying outside to long.

That is what I was thinking, thanks for the confirmation. Just wanted to make sure that the compressor/switch didn’t have seem issue in it. Course the compressor running for 15 minutes in the morning gets a bit old :smiley:

put a switch on it, I didn’t like them running every morning

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Agreed, wire in a switch to turn the pressure switch on/off via the relay.

Radio Shack has a great switch and it’s almost made for mounting in a small hole on your dash. Its the same one I used it for my install. 10 bucks and it comes with a cool little LED that lights up when on, and turns off when it’s off.


Does the light only come on when the compressors are on? (current sensing :confused:)
Or does the light stay on the whole time the switch is on?

just get a regular switch lol

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