Compressor wont shut off. What to do?

My Compressor wont shut off, i almost feel like my tank will explode.

Ive checked for air leaks on all fittings, None.

Does my pressure switch have a fuse inside of it?

What could be the problem?


Welcome to the forum. I hope you have a safety valve. Do you have a tank gauge to see the pressure?

It sounds like the pressure switch or solenoid is stuck in the on position.

Also, your check valve could be mounted backwards or stuck.
Like Dan said - do you have a gauge to know if any air is making it to the tank?
If no gauge, can you honk the horns as if the tank was full?

I may have found the problem, When i bought the horns and compresser and tank i wasnt thinking about having an onboard air system. 3gal tank 3 ports, no gauge, no drain port, basic set up. But now i took down my tank found out that my tank had 1/2 gal of rusty water go figure havent taken down the tank in 3 years. Found that the pressure switch had a huge blockedge of this rusty sludge in the port. Cleaned it up ill use as a back up…thank for the help

I want to get a 5 gal 8 port tank with 1/2" ports, do i have to get 1/2" air lines for the horns?


Can i stay with the 1/4" lines and have some sort of reducer compression fittings? Do they make these?

Im having the exact same issue. Found it to be a rusted pressure switch. Changed it out. Viola no more issues. Now I need a safety valve cause one of the hoses blew…LOL

wow dangerous.

Yes you can use a reducer fitting.

You can stay 1/4" but air horns like lots of air and 1/2" lines would be better.