Conductor Special vs K5LA

Please compare the CS to the K5LA’s…my wife would kill me if I wanted louder one’s…

k5la blow it out of the water… and honk what your wife says…

The CS does not even compare to a K5LA… u cannot put them in the same category…
Its like comparing a ford focus to a Tank…lol
K5LA will blow it outta the sky…

ehhhh depends on how you have them set up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

cs is this situation = honking at someone and laughing, the k5la, = being dominated by the olsen twins in a hot tub.

lol the k5la is for the serious enthusiast

Check out my post where I have my K5LA and my buddy Bixby1980 has my old Conductor set on video for comparison.

which post…there was like 5 different post wit the same video…lol

which post…there was like 5 different post wit the same video…lol

LOL…so what are you saying?

I get your point…I’m happy with what I got…for now…

Sean Delivers.

here is a video

my conductors special overpowered at 200 PSI vs an airchime

u sounded really excited in that video…lol

you wouldnt believe what i did to get my car there…
then the scramble to find the cam’s mic

(clears throat loudly) Yeah, I’m pretty sure my Focus is a tank lol. Ok well if it’s not a tank, it’s pretty tough! This picture pretty much describes my Focus:


