Conductors special 544 nightmare addition

What do you guys think of the 544 I’m in the process of purchasing a horn set up for my truck. Is it as loud as people say they are.

Depends on your skill set “electrical/mechanical”. I purchased the kit, and returned most of it…If you’re pretty versed in these areas, I’d buy the shocker horns, and everything else separate…The shockers are a great starter horn for the money; and yes, LOUD!!..I think the best cheaper compressor would probably be an “airzenith”. I’ve gone pretty nutz on horns in the last 8-10 months…If you plan on upgrading to Nathan’s, or even Leslie’s; Don’t even waste your time on this kit! It will be vastly inadequate. But for just occasional blasting shockers… It will be fine.

Thanks I don’t want to get knots. Just want to good reliable Kit and something that’s loud.

Are they as loud as Nathan’s? Not by a long shot.

Are they louder than stock horns? Significantly.

Look at the Horn Video section … good way to see how loud they are:
