So, last night I was pulling into jack in the box when this guy comes hauling oven across the parking lot towards the exit in a yellow leveled s10, with fake HIDs, awkward color yellow big rig lights, and more walmart off road lights then I could count. Just rednecked out beyond belief. Well I give a nice blow from my fully pressurized K3’s. Well I guess it really scared this kid, because next thing I knew he was hauling oven once again, driving over the bushes, bump stops, etc, peeling out and then came hauling oven back at my truck. I naturally stopped and rolled down my window for him. Im already laughing at his extreme measure to get back to my truck, so im already laughing at this point.
Here is our conversation:
Him: “You know your truck aint poop”
Me: “Alright alright” (from Dazed and confused, lol).
Him: “Dont honking honk your piece of poop horns at me”
Me: “Ok” (still laughing)
Him: “You think its funny, Ill put you in a lake”
Me: “Your gonna put me in the lake?, What?”
Then he sped off, so naturally I gave him one more fair-well blast, haha. Well then the little sumbich decides to throw his truck in reverse and drive backwards. Next thing I know the bastard hits my truck. Well I jump out and go to the back of the truck when the guy peels out. I guess seeing me (6’6’’, ~300lbs) made this guy not so tough anymore, lol. So I memorize his license plate number, write it down and check for damage. After inspecting I laughed even harder. Mr. Cool thought his custom tube bumbers and little mud tires would have made his rear ending successful. However my very large drop hitch on the back of my lifted f150 decided otherwise. He backed directly into it crushing his bumpers and poking a hole in his tailgate.
We drove around for a little while looking for him, but couldnt find anything. The buddy that was with my has a brother thats a state trooper so hes gonna look up if the guy is from around here or what.
Anyone else ever been rammed for honking?