I was searching google and come across this “For the first time, a maximum volume level for the train horn has been established at 110 decibels. The minimum sound level remains 96 decibels. Railroads have until 2010 to fully comply with the maximum volume level requirement.” I dont know how in the world this could be true but the website seems legit. http://www.fra.dot.gov/us/content/1773
Thats odd since stock car horns are like 102db
I just saw the same thing and was getting ready to post it too. It’s not very clear, but that has to be at a distance…perhaps at a 1/4 mile it can be no louder than 110db…??? It’s already 2010 and we KNOW that a train horn is MUCH louder than 110db up close.
Federal Railroad Administration
49 CFR Parts 222 and 229
[Docket No. FRA–1999–6439, Notice No. 17]
RIN 2130–AB73
Use of Locomotive Horns at Highway-
Rail Grade Crossings
§ 229.129 Locomotive horn.
(a) Each lead locomotive shall be
equipped with a locomotive horn that
produces a minimum sound level of 96
dB(A) and a maximum sound level of
110 dB(A) at 100 feet forward of the
locomotive in its direction of travel. The
locomotive horn shall be arranged so
that it can be conveniently operated
from the engineer’s usual position
during operation of the locomotive.
102 VS 110 is a BIG difference. Every few decibles the volume doubles…
we should give the railroads our shockers and bandits and they can give us there K5’s!!!