
Here is my input to the regional section on trainhornforums…

My setup is a Siege Kong MK1 horn, 200 psi air system with a Viair 380C compressor and a 3 gallon tank. The horn is supplied by a 3/8" airline and a G4 valve.

Its all fitted to and old Bimmer Coupe. Pictures are comming up within a few days…

My friend fitted a Siege Anvil horn system to his car. That was the horn I was complaining about in the maintenance section. :confused:

Happy honking from Denmark :smiley:

welcome to the forum. I had a friend who moved to Denmark… yep lol

Here is some pic’s of my Kong Mk1 Horn on my Bimmer…

The horn location is under the front bumper. Airtank and compressor is fitted in the trunk where the spare wheel should be… :slight_smile:


Those compressors get hot. I would suggest keeping that foaming away from it… idk maybe its fine

WELCOME to the forums