Difference in these 2?

I was supposed to get a 400c with my order, but I got a 444c is there a big difference in these two?

The 444 will do 200 psi - 100% duty cycle - 1.76 CFM - 220 watts
The 400 will do 150 psi - 33% duty cycle - 2.54 CFM - 358 watts

im stupid with these things does the 100% duty cycle means it wont stop running?

Duty cycle is how long the compressor can run before getting too hot.
It is figured based on 1 hour.
100% means it can run the full hour before stopping to cool.
33% means it can run for 20 minutes before stopping to cool.

Basically the 400C pumps faster, but gets hot faster

Ok well I guess I should contact them on this issue to, not to happy yet with this company

Hopefully they’ll get you all taken care of.
I’d rather have the 444 myself.


You want the 444 … do the math and you’ll see why:

The 400C will do 150 psi max, the 444 will do 200. You can always put in a regulator to limit your air pressure to your horns and this will not only save them from abuse (too much pressure) but also regulates your air use so the compressor isn’t kicking on and off all the time.

2.54CFM = 50.8 cubic feet of air in 20 minutes and then a 40 minute cool down. Or to keep it simple 50.8 cubic feet of air in an hour.

1.76CFM = 105.6 cubic feet of air per hour. It’s constant duty so there is technically no cooldown period required, but obviously you don’t want to do this all the time.

The 400C fills fast, but hit your horns a couple times and guess what … you’ll toast that compressor from trying to refill the tank before the compressor cools down. Then you’re going to rebuild the compressor or buy a new one. Either way there’s no horn until the compressor gets fixed.

You get the best of both worlds with the 444, and that’s more air and a better compressor.


480 has a bigger leader hose than the 444. The rest of the specs are the same. Maybe Lance could chime in with the actual mechanical differences.

So you’re getting the 175 PS, but nothing says you can’t get a 200…

Isnt that what the blue thing does, shuts it off at 150 psi?

thanks ear2ear yes
i cud go all the way but for me thars a fine line of cool horn honking:cool: and overkill :eek: lol
i think ill stick with
175psi and one other ? will this kit
work good for my

Yep. You’ll just have to see how you like the sound.

sound good i seen
sum vids of guys
running that psi
and i am quite inpressd i think i
got my set up i
wonted lol i just
have to wate and see :smiley: lol.

You mean the pressure switch? Switches have different ratings (when they turn on/off) based on air pressure in the tank.

Say you have a 165-200 pressure switch … when the pressure falls below 165 it will turn on, and once it reaches 200 (or slightly more) it will shut off, and if its somewhere in the middle it will stay off until the pressure falls below 165. The switches are different based on when you want it to turn on or shut off.

ha yea thanks im so dumb with these things, yet i got it all hooked up hahhaa

Ok, I got a dumb question related to duty cycles. Constant duty? Runs all the time, no resivour needed? If that’s the case, what kind of PSI am I pushing?

I’ll play along…lol

Pressure (differential) only exists when air is contained or flow resisted.
So how much pressure could really build up behind open diaphrams/cushions?

Anyway volume is the real killer. It takes a couple minutes to recharge a tank that takes only seconds to drain. I don’t see a pump by itself running a horn with 2-3 cfm.

I thought duty cycle at rated pressure was based on 1 hour. So 100% duty cycle doesn’t necessarily mean it can run forever. It can run a full hour before cooling. However if you’re not building pressure, you’re not building as much heat.

Now Dan can pop in here 'cause some of the above may not hold true for an Oasis. lol


So, what I should be asking then is “What kind of VOLUME can an Oasis produce while having minimal back pressure due to air hungry K5s?”
Not enough.

This Viair’s section but I’ll answer your questions.

Our compressors deliver 14 CFM @ 0 PSI (this is a silly spec but all compressors use it). They also deliver 8 CFM from 100 to 200 PSI but even that won’t keep up with train horns.

The XD4000 can run continuosly for many hours even at 200 PSI. What duty cycle is that, 1000%?

Now back to Viair!