Can someone knowledgeable please spell out the differences within this series of horns?
I understand a K3LA vs. A K3H with the low manifold vs high manifold… but what are the exact differences between K3HA and K3H in terms of bells and sound?
I know it has something to do with the bell numbers… I think a normal K3HA has bells #1, #2, and #3… but a K3H has bells #1,#2,#4/4a ?
actually i think i just found the differences… tell me if I have this correct.
A K3L/K3H is a canadian tuned version with bells 1,2,3 where as the K3LA/K3HA is an american tuned version with bells 1,2,4(a) which has a slightly deeper tone to it?
Canadian is a mellow sound compared to the A. Personally it sounds better. Thats why I have a K5A, and a K5 on my car. K5A to scare, K5 to run thru the woods listening to the echos. All ten to mortify people.
In Canada? lol no jk… they pop up on Ebay sometimes. The older true Canadian K horns will have Made In Canada on the back caps as well as a few other “Canada only” features, such as a Burnett or Holden tag.
Really, all that makes a K3 a Canadian K3 is the 1, 2, and 3 bells vs the 1,2 and 4a chord.