Ehsan's K3

My k3 just came in… For some reason the shipper decided to not turn the horns the same direction to save some money on shipping lol
anyways here it is: Lots of dirt on it and needs to be cleaned.
These things are huge i didnt expect it to be this big

This K3 cam off of A Union Pacific SD40-2 after it was retired.

nice man

i just have to figure out what to use to clean them

Are you going to paint them?

i used a brillow pad and brake cleaner but i put rags inside the trumpets so i didnt spray the inside with brake cleaner
thats some strong stuff

im not sure… i mean they are going under my truck… i might idk yet

ahhaa ok i think i will do this today…did u scrub hard or something?

I wouldn’t put rags in the bells… Just take the back cap off and take the diaphragms, gasket, and diffuser ring out. Then you can scrub it all without having to worry about a thing. That’s what I do when I clean all my horns. I use brake cleaner or carb and choke cleaner and a brillo pad and some elbow grease. Then once I get it back shiny, I use some aluminum polish on it. I had one that looked like yours… Here’s the before:

And here’s the after:


Simular actions, but purple power degreaser, and let it soak for a week, came out looking like this

damnnn for a whole week? nice looking horns

Yep, a whole week, grease fell right off, surprised about a week, this is what happens when everything slows down!

i didnt like cram them in just put them in the throat
i was unsure about taking them apart becouse i was afraid i wouldent be able to get them back on

Mate your one jammy git! they look Horny as hell! We only have gay trains over here! NOT FAIR!!!

Good luck with the cleanup mate!:smiley:

So “Stinkypete” when are you going to get a k3? K3 and Shockers together sounds honking sick and louder!

when is everybody gonna get some nathans???

I gots me some Nathans!

when the industry has gotten over the recession? when I win the lottery? :smiley:

Need to get me a bigger set of wheels, unless I go for a “inside car install” mate lol…

I’d love a K3…but for now me and my S4’s are just in the first stages of romance…I’m still just tickling with them.

Somebody should put together a list of what trains have what horns, like a Horns “whose who” lol.

I’ve been trying to source some british train horns information, but its quite hard to find.

This is where the Horn Whistle group on Yahoo is a priceless resource. The guys there although they hate us (err me especially) really do know their stuff. Word to the wise if you join, don’t mention Honking at people or anything about “the Hornbastards” they will kick you off the list right away permanently. I wish a few of them would join here, I would give them their own thread, They’d get much more publication then what their “cult” gets as it sits. Hey one other really smart dude is ADAM over at, Don’t pester him with any K bell questions, but if it’s about ship horns, he knows his stuff!