Here is what I came up with for my progressive switch bank.
The handle is linked to an internal slider plate that has precision notches.
The notches are located to actuate each switch as you pull the lever.
It looks big, but the whole thing is the size of a dollar bill…
DANG! Now that’s some proper engineering stuff right there. Nice work on the CAD - what you using for that? Few years ago I started learning Solidworks because a client used it for their stuff. Darn stuff does my head in every time I have to fire it up. By the time I draw a thread on a piece of pipe I could’ve gone out and mined the minerals to make the darn thing in real life. Got a bit easier as time went on, but it’s like anything… the less often you use it, the more you forget about it.
Gotta hand it to you though… you’re putting some thought into this rig. I thought you only had 4 solenoids of that beastie you created… so what’s the 5th switch for? Not sure about the dual springs… could you not slot in a single return within the base?
The software is Inventor. The hardest part for me is getting a good quality JPG out of the thing. Actually, the entire assembly is done in Inventor…
There are the 4 metering valves + the 1/2" inline main valve.
Yeah, a single/centered spring would work fine, but I found these at work and they’re too big to fit between the side plates. I may just do one side if it doesn’t bind.
What it lacks on interior cab space it’s going to more than make up for on space somewhere else on the vehicle. You’re going to need a rooftop carrier in which to mount that plumbing monstrosity…