electronic manual air valve

wouldnt it be cool if there was valve that u can controll with some kind of dial that would open the valve little by little basically like a manual valve without having to run hose into ur car and back out to the manifold… so it would work like this… as u turn the dial it gives it more voltage to open the valve on a precise amount every little bit u turn it it will open a small quick twist will act as if u opened the valve 100% giving u the same effect as they have on a manual but in a electronic way with no hose needed to be ran
good idea?

Great idea… i know there has been much discussion about it tooo… someone figured out how to do it i think.

Was it on THF?
I have seen discussions here, but noone ever came up with anything.

o hellz yes. i’d totally want one.


it was this vid that i fell in love with the k3 actually. dayummm i want a manual valve ha

yea man me to if it was eletronic and if it worked like i described that would be awesome…

If you search ‘electric manual’ there are several threads on this subject.
No real solutions though - at least not that I found.

The closest thing is putting 2-3 restricted valves in parallel. Then you bring the horns on in stages. The more valves, and more tuning of the restrictions, the smoother you could make it sound.

Has anyone tied to PWM control an electric solenoid? Sounds like an interesting experiment… I just need to write some code for my Atmel AVR and see how it works. :slight_smile: