Engineer ???

Im just doing my part to contribute to this site. that includes being helpful, voicing my opinion, and trying to post as much as possible to get back to a cooler status… haha :smiley:

engineer is a cool title, which you might have if they change the order of things.

What is the post count for god father??lol
u just gave me a new goal!! LOL

lol Im working for a unique title :smiley:

Conductor fits u! LOL

Na Im more original. I need an original name :smiley:

I like the your new avitar Twist…lol

Thanks. I saw it and thought it was funny. Patrick is my first name so I might as well Rep Patrick Star. lol

I was even considering adding itt as a title with this bunch

3000 right now and you’ll get an extra star too lol.

wheres my moderator stars lol

whoo whooooo new name… uhhhh Im an official horn addict


u go twist! the little whore that could@

Thanks for your support

Haha I think the Godfather Group should be dismembered for now…lmao aint no one a godfather no more…

we could make our own group. 1000+ers…the ultimate post whores

what are we the dynamic duo?!? lol

hopefuly the dynamic trio soon lol

and once we’re a trio we can all get decked out in our own leather outfits as pictured in my avatar :wink:

thats just for u and twist… for the 1000ers…ill stay in the 2000ers by myself…lol
