Yes I made it happen! I installed a set of P3’s with a 5 gallon tank and compressor without loosing my spare tire or any of my bed! I have a 2014 F150 FX4 with virtually invisible train horns, at least that was my goal for the most part… Trying to upload pics now
This is the best I could do for now because resizing pics seem like to much effort and PITA at the moment.
Your compressor and pressure switch won’t last a week next to that hot exhaust.
Nice truck and a neat install. I know you’re struggling to find room, but I agree with rjk … that’s just a tad too close for comfort to the hot bits. During cool weather it might be OK, but If you want to see how much impact the heat has on your system, put a remote pressure gauge on the tank and run that inside the cab. Fill her up to full when everything is cold, then monitor the pressure after you’ve gone for a drive on a hot day. If you see a rise in pressure you know that the tank is soaking up too much heat. At the very least I’d look at shifting the compressor - they really don’t like too much heat since they already get darn hot by themselves.
A lot of guys tend to rig up the air system in a toolbox - might be worth investigating if you start seeing any issues.
Nice and creative install!! Can’t add much that hasn’t been pointed out with the compressor. Aren’t you worried about your tank getting too close to your drive shaft when loaded? That would worry me lol