Favorite TV Show

what’s your favorite tv show??
Here are mines:

1- Lost
2- Prison Break
3- 24

Sportscenter on ESPN or any local teams being cover by Fox Sports.

Sportscenter. and I just started watching the first season of Prison Break. Prison Break is full of win

Top Gear and Nip Tuck

+1 for top gear… COPS… HOUSE… FISHIN NETWORK

TOP GEAR FTW! I have seen every episode of that show it honkin’ rocks!

house, ncis, burn notice

Family Guy,Bones, Burn Notice, Ghost Hunters, Super Bikes, Pinks, Prison Break use to be but its gettin old, and need to end that shiit…

yea im only on the first season. so its good to me haha

am i the only one who dosent like family guy and south park?




no, your not the only one.

family guy is awesome!

Heck yes it is… another good show, The office

fuckk ya the office! awesome show as well!

American or UK? I personally like the American one Steve Carell kicks some serious donkey.

HOW BOUT scrubs?

thank god lol