Finally !!!!!

Lol i finally got two stars i am a sinior member now! So congratulate me lol

congrats bro!
ur lil a miniature twist now! lol

lawlz that can be good or bad…lol jk twist :slight_smile:

post whore lol j/k


lol I enjoy voicing my opinion.


keep posting, you got to make 500 before you get 3 stars.

500 wow thats a lot

ur only 389 away lol

Como estas senior?

Congrats lol… Now I need to get to 3 stars (which is the point of this thread)

i need 5 stars!

^ you need to slow down on posting…lol

lmao!! i can easily make 300 post a nite if i wanted too in a random picture thread… i have over 1000 pics i have yet to post…lol

yea same here. im working up to godfather status again… need to get to that 3000 post mark haha

ya i know…3000 jeeze!! freakin crazy

Im almost half way haha

i need little then 800 post… i could prolly do that in bout 2 nites…but ive been workin 7days a week…no time

weak sauce. now is my chance haha

lol! i still post every morning and every nite before i go to sleep…u wont gain that much on me!! lol