German Horn collection

Hello Guys!
Greets from Germany!
My name is Steffen an j com from Germany!
J am a Fan of Hornblasters.
And This my Horn Collection!:smiley:

Video sample:

those ship horns are amazing! nice setup!

wow nice horns there buddy!
welcome to the forums…

“get to the chopper!”

hey there! another german inside! youve got german train horns - thats right? where do youve got these? and what did you payed for?

ps: great installation! - everyone is talking about the guy, his audi and the horns!

@ Crusty hello Guy!
You are from Germany?
Right! This horn com from German Train.

I get the horns of a good friend.

Had because even at home!

The Big Ship Horn is from Zöllner Makrofon 125. from 200m Tank ship.

everyone is talking about the guy, his audi and the horns!
Would all this?
Am I in Germany already so well known?:smiley: