Get in the chat!!!

Theirs atleast five ppl on…no one in chat… come on!!!

C h a t ! ! ! ! ! ! :slight_smile:

I woz there… well I’m there now lol…

someone get in the chat!!!1



Come on now…like over 5 ppl on

really??? 10 ppl on and I’m the only one in the chat!!!

you guys keep pushing the chat like we don’t have anything better to do.

what makes chatting live so interesting? do you really need to know what everyone is doing right then & there? :rolleyes:

I like using chat (when I can) have spoken to a few of you guys and think its cool to be chatting to someone several thousand miles away with the same interest as me:D

This really bothers me. I’m offended. And now I’m glad I have a viair compressor :mad:

Edit: Just ignore the thread and chat if it bothers you that much.

See the emoticon at the end. :rolleyes: I use that when I’m being sarcastic. I wasn’t trying to offend anyone. I’m glad your happy with your Viair.

I could have responded with more sarcasm from the Viair comment but that wouldn’t be appropiate here.

Hater… your just mad that you cant afford a oasis. :smiley: not many people can, unless your HBTX, who has 5 of them…lol

get in i am there all alone!!!


I have no idea how much they cost. Yeah I guess one would be nice to have. That comment just really annoyed me.

And now it’s almost as if I’m trolling. Lets just call it even.

I see I should have been clearer about the sarcasm and I’m sorry. No hard feelings, I hope?

Trippy!! Chat now!!!:smiley:

i’m in there bitchez =D

Ha of course not :wink:

Long time fellas HELLLLLOOOO :smiley: