gift gone wrong

hi i am new to the horn thing. i always wanted to have train horns on my truck, i thought i was in luck when my uncle said he had horns he could get me. i got them and so far as i can tell they are from two different kits one is a p4 and the other is a k2 i was burnt! now what do i need to make a three horn kit? the guys at hornblasters told me to post here and get some help. i would like to end up with all k’s but what numbers do i need? thanks…

So you have individual bells? A P #4 bell and a K #2 bell? What are you trying to make? A K3 or a K5? If you are making a normal K3 American tuned horn, you need bells 1,2, and 4a. If you are trying to make a K5, you need bells 1,2,3a,4a,5. Oh, and dont forget you will need a manifold to complete your horn unless you make your own.

so to make a k3 three i need a 1 and 4a. that would make up the right tone. the manifold i can fab one up with no trouble. i guess ebay here i come…

thank you so much for the info hope to be blasting soon.

Hornblasters carrys individual bells as well if needed.