got 5 screams with one blast.

Just last week me and my cousin had been sitting around at my great aunts birthday when we decided what the heck lets go mess with people. We where not in the truck for more then 30 seconds and we turned the corner to a group of 5 girls roughly 13-15 years old standing on the corning and we blasted them. not only did they all scream at the top of there lungs but 2 jumped one ran and the other 2 just help there ears wide eyed screaming.:smiley:

girls are the best to get

lol thats awesome bro

hahaha! I love getting couples walking on the side of the road cause the guy gets all defensive even though im 50 yards away before they turn around

experienced it too. :stuck_out_tongue:

my favorite is when they throw their cell phones!

Why on earth would someone throw their mobile fone???

Iā€™ve had someone drop a camera at a Show once, taking pics of the installā€¦

But Groups of blokes is good if they are youngā€¦Groups of girls is just the perfect scareā€¦ they all react off each otherā€¦

Its like shooting fish in a bucket and im not talken mino size fish i mean if i could get all there faces at once on video with a close up i could win americas funniest homevideos

My mate Milster, does my videos & cutsā€¦ he took screen shots of people screaming with their mouths openā€¦its funny as fek!