grover 1510 "stutter horn"

Anyone got any grover 1510 “Stutter horns” that they dont want?? These would be going under my truck so look isnt as important as function / sound… lemme know what u got!

Hey man just to give you a heads up, if you end up getting a pair of the stutter tone grovers I would suggest you dont run them over 110 to 115 psi. They sound very over blown and the tone sounds like crap if you go over 115 psi. All our fire trucks run them at about the 110-115 mark and they sound nice.

hmmm, thanx for heads up… i was thinking of getting one or 2 at most and replacing the “psychoblasters” with them… But i have 140 psi going to them now… (btw its only 140 because my pressure switch is weird and cuts out early)

I might be getting a k3 in the near future …

EDIT- just bought a K3LA… no longer need stutter horns :smiley:

Cool man you like them over the shockers :slight_smile:

K3 all the way ! :slight_smile:

I’ll probably keep the shockers tho and hook them up to my alarm :smiley:

The psycho blasters on other hand will be on chopping block most likely :o