HB A1+ Customer Service

There was a bit of a mix up with the pressure switch I ordered and I ended up with the wrong one. A quick email to HB and Melissa has popped me another one out as a replacement with instructions to keep hold of the old one as a spare…

Not a huge problem for them you may think… But I’m in the UK, this is way above and beyond the call of customer service and I’d just like to publicly put a thank you out there to Melissa and all at HB!

Thanks guys!


That’s why we always recommend HB to everyone!

Yup – it’s been nothing but first rate service from HB … which seems to be a rarity in today’s world.

Thank you very much! We pride ourselves on our amazing customer service! Let me know if you need anything else :slight_smile:

I agree!!! HB has THE BESTcostumer service, every order I have placed the people I talk to are super helpful, have a awesome attitude, they even double checked I had everything needed to install my horns at one time. Plus they always seem to throw in free decals and shipping which is awesome!

There customer service stinks… Said no sane person ever! LOL