Hello from Colchester england

Big thanks to stinky Pete at hornstar UK .
Picked up my full shocker kitt this evening. And fitting it tomorrow evening, can’t wait for the fun to begin the south east of England is going to get noisey :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on being the proud new owner of a Shocker kit - they’re awesome!. I’m sure Pete will look after you but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post them here.

Let us know a bit more about your install once you have the kit rigged up.

Welcome to the forum. Pete started a trend over there. It may not have taken the country by storm but little by little the interest is growing.

All fitted this evening after work,oh the fun on the way home :smiley:

Hey there, welcome to the forums!!

Welcome welcome welcome!!!:smiley:

Hello Andy! Enjoy your new toys!:wink:

Really pleased your happy with the Horns. Time now to go out there & smile every time you use them mate!

I am still toying with the twin paint ball idea behind the grill of the truck!! Lol

:DD great I’ve got feelers out for some t shirt cannons lol. Might try some homemade PVC cannons

Brilliant! Keep us updated! Don’t forget to get a video up of the Shockers in action!:smiley: