Hello From Texas

Hey Whats up this is jeremy…down in Corpus Christi, Texas…i got a nathan k3la and a nathan p-5…i got one black 4 piece and the 3 chime system. on my trailblazer im running 2 380ccs for my 12 gallon air tank. i got a graham white 353 valve. i have hornblasters.com stickers all around my truck…if you got any question maybe i can help you with…One of my good friends is ken kahne of horn hospital.com…just hit me up



Welcome to the club…

Welcome to the forum!


have any pics of ur horns?

Hey Jeremy,
How are you holding up with Hurricane Dolly? Your horns getting wet?

ooh its that jeremy!
what up bro, i got u on myspace…i know what ur horns look like