

My name is chad and I have a set of HornBlasters Conductor’s Special Model 540 Train Horn Kit on my truck wanted to join to look at some information so I can figure out what is wrong with my horns.

Greetings Chad. Welcome to the forum.

What’s the issue with the Shockers? … btw - have you talked to Hornblasters yet? - very helpful folks, plus the Shockers have life time warranty ;).

just trying to see what it is before i take it in tomorrow. It was acting weird one day push button wouldnt work. tried it later on in the day and it worked which was weird at first, but i thought oh it was cold outside and the cold might have something to do with it and what not. but the last couple days the horn wont work at all. I would push the button multiple times and hear nothing. Tomorrow its going back in to get it fixed though sucked the last four days i haven’t been able to use it and not honk at people :confused:

Just work throughout it methodically. Check air pressure, then try the solenoid first (wire it direct to 12vdc and ground). If that works, check the switch wiring etc.

Pressure is fine cause when it first happened I drained my tank and turned my truck on and the compressor kicked on and filled the tank out so next on the list is wiring.

Stuck/rusted solenoid or bad wiring connection (rusted out ground?)

close… The ground where hornblasters said to put it was not grounding so I had it moved and it works perfect again.

Welcome to the forums!

Welcome aboard Chad an glad you got it sorted :slight_smile:

Welcome Chad!:smiley:

Welcome to the forum!