Hello there. I have Kleinn Model 230 horns that are mounted on my frame rails.
I have had them for about 3 years and they get a lot of water in them. About a year ago I added another set of horns under my truck. Everything was fine until a few days ago when I wired my solenoids up to momentary switches so that I could trigger each trumpet individually, in groups of 3, or all 6 together. I then realized that 2 of my trumpets were not working. The 2 that are not working are from the oldest set. I don’t know how long they haven’t been working but I took the diaphragms out and they had some rust looking stuff bu built up on them. I sprayed some lubricating oil on them and let them soak but the stuff didn’t come all the way off but they looked better. I reassembled everything and they are working now but not near as loud as they used to be. I think the diaphragms are stainless steel. Can I use some sand paper to get the rest of the stuff off or will that mess up the diaphragms. The stuff is built up in a ring in the center where the base of the trumpet contacts the diaphragm. Are diaphragms reversible? The other side of the diaphragm looks fine. Does anyone know if I can buy replacements from kleinn? Any diaphragm cleaning tips would be greatly appreciated. This is my first time using a forum and I’m hoping to get some good help. Everybody on here seems to really know their horns.
What are the diaphragms made from?
If they’re stainless, you can clean them up with a rolox disc or flap sander.
If they’re plastic, contact the maker and see if you can get replacement parts.