help on choosing a set-up

I am new to this horn stuff but i think that it would be alot of fun to have some on my truck. I didn’t want to have alot of money in it but I was looking at the Shocker 228DX Air Horn Kit and the Outlaw 232 Train Horn Kit. I think that the outlaw is a better deal because it has a bigger tank, compresser and has another horn with it. I don’t really know much about this stuff and was just looking at horn Is there other places that i could look for other sets. I want to get a set that sounds like train horns not the ones that are high pitched.

Thanks for your help.

at least get the 4 horn shocker kit… imo… stay away from the outlaw…

i think this is one of the best deals they got there a lil expensive but nice and you get a 5 gallon! if you want some real poop get some k3 and thats it.

What is wrong with the outlaw kit?

at least get the 4 shocker set up, and my other advice, save your money and buy real trainhorns. TRUST ME ON THIS. i wanted something right away and got it and ended up wanting something louder and beter in a week. i wasted a lot of time and money by not getting the real deal the first go around.

sell everything you got first!..then use it to piece together a real set of horn… buy a 5tank(60-80bucks) at least…get a viair 480(200),… look for a K3.used… 350-425…get a soleoid 50bucks.or manual ball vavle 10bucks…u will spend about 80bucks for hose and brass fittings…(((buy 5/8OD…1/2ID hose))) well worth the 1.80/ft …if u rack up the cosst it will be about 800dollars… considering a 400dollar k3la/k3ha…

ull probably be the loudest on the block.have plenty air for some nice blast,and your tank will refill quick…dont spend on the small horns.u will want to upgrade eventually

best advice right there and if u cant do taht go with the shockers. u wont be happy with the outlaws

yep thats what i said get some k3 and thats it


take my advice…if you dont buy nathans dont buy anything…first get your air system going…a decent 1…so i u want to change horns u know u have plenty of air…a viair 480/5gallon tank combo will work for almost everything…after u spend your money on that…save a little and get a nathan…u wont be dissapointed…and its very hard to realistically want more after u have nathans

i actually prefer the sound of the shockers over the k3

x2 :slight_smile: