heyy help me!

at 4:55 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oBQ0_bRE7c in this video what horn is that from about 4:55 til like 5:30 I want one so bad it sounds awesome!! Help would be cool thanks guys. :smiley:

just get a shocker 240 kit from hornblasters

I have a k3. lol and shockers that arent installed. I want that horn though its just really creepy sounding

sounds like a hyped up oooga horn

sounds like a badly computer generated oooga horn lol

its actually DUAL STUTTERTONES and a single CX1042

lol and you know this how? never saw hornblasters_tx listed in the credits as man who blew the horn




why did you ban him again? That was funny but he could be rite ill try researching it a little. Are those electric horns or do they need air?

what! lol wtf

it was him i say we just ban him completly

IP permaban :slight_smile:

yeah but sometimes that dosent work cause you can just create another LOGIN

Not if they ban his IP… unless he knows how to change it, which, sometimes, can be a pain.

actually, I wouldn’t mind if they kept him around. some of his posts are pretty laughable;)

^ truuuu