Hi from Czech republic / Europe

Hi to all here in the Forum ! :smiley:
I’m from Middle Europe (Czech republic, near Germany), and want some Advice from you, what kind of Train Horn Kit to buy for my Seat Leon Cupra R.
About 2 Months ago, I wrote an e-mail to hornblasters.com for an Advice, but without Answer… (do they not sell to Europe ?) :frowning:

I was looking in their Product-Range, but not understanding all of the Information there, couldn’t choose any of the Complete Kits. Especially I found the MP3 Samples every the same…

On youtube.com there are many of the Vid’s, but I think that there are the most expensive Samples, or?

Can I buy some of the 500 $ Kit and be satisfied with the Noise, or should I better buy a 1.200 $ Kit to satisfy me??? Also look for fitting in my Seat! (I think the expensive Kits are much bigger)
Or is there any possibility to buy some used-Kits ? :eek:

THANKS A LOT FOR ALL ADVICES, and sorry for my English. :cool:
(Shipping to Czech republic is not necessary, I could order through my Friend, who lives in the US.)


Well only you know what will satisfy you… If your lookin for extremely loud and want to be the loudest Seat Leon Cupra R in Czech republic, then buy the more expensive kit… But if you dont have the cash for it, then buy the Conductor special or sumthing along that price range…And if it doesnt satisfy u, then upgrade

O.K., but it’s a bit far away for me to buy one, and then upgrading to another, and sell the 1st one. :frowning:
And as I said, the MP3 Samples are not so real as showed on youtube.
So what concrete Kit would you recommend me? (would be perfect with some youtube example) :o
For example the “HB4H” in the video “Locomotive Horn Comparison Test” is very good, but I don’t know to which KIT does it belongs in the Product range… :frowning: :frowning: …and how much does it cost.


The HB4H is just a conductor special I believe… its the Hornblasters 4 Horns… The black 4 peice… They are good… But if you go with either a Nathan K3la or K5la, or anything that is made of cast iron, I gurantee you will be satisfied… I promise you wont sell them at all! Yes you have to spend a little more cash, but believe me, you wont regret it at all!
Hope this helps you a little more, any more questions either post em or PM me…

my videos here http://www.trainhornforums.com/thread95.html these were all with the hornblasters black 4 horn set since then i’ve added a second set

cast aluminum*:smiley:

Hey guys, now I had surfed a little bit on youtube the names you adviced me.
I must say that the K3LA is very good. :wink: But the K5LA ? That is that what I need. :smiley: :smiley:
Now I hope that the Kit would fit in my small Leon Cupra. :o
Thanks a lot !

post some pics of ur leon cupra

I made a Mistake - I searched only the Price of the K5LA Horn, not the Kit. So it is much more expensive, than I expected. :frowning: So I must buy the K3LA Kit, and hope, it will satisfy me. :confused:
Scaredu ----- photos:

That’s a cool lookin car man! And a K3 will definitely make you happy!

That thing is sweet! I like it alot…
Yea the k3 kit will still satifsfy u!!

O.K., thank you guys. :smiley:

Hello all
I am new here.I am sreeja.I am from India. I am working in a private firm. Nice to meet you all.This forum looks so interesting.Hope i can enjoy stay.

welcome to the forum… and do enjoy ur stay!