Holy smokes!!!

I was looking up videos on multiple Alternators being used in cars and I came across this


I was only wanting to mount 1 other alternator in my truck to power my compressors and amp and the inverter in my camper, but that guy is almost crazy as me! lol

there’s a prime candidate for an Oasis compressor.

Yea its pretty popular in the stereo world to have massive amounts of alternators… His setup looks funny. most are all contorted together, not just in a row like he has them.

yeah I am gonna install just one extra alternator and another battery (Isolated from my trucks electrical system) so I can extend the life of my regular alternator.

That’s how I did it. Completely separate system.

Redneck Hybrid conversion

You could turn your vehicle into a hybrid with all those alternators, provided a robust battery was hooked up to it, and the alternators could act as a motor on demand (alternator for regenerative braking, motor action to help accelerate vehicle) and a dial in the cab to control them. You’d need special alternators that could act as motors (give torque instead of take torque) on demand. I’m a nerd.

The issue would be finding or designing the right motor controller to run the alternators because they’re brushless.


Another one, found it in the link you posted actually. This one looks like the whole setup weighs a good portion less, and also looks a hell of alot easier to change the belt on.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA wooooow. That’s ridiculous lol

2 Words…Parasitic loss!