Honk if you Love Liberty!!


Gotta love tax season :wink:

Awesome man, What % tint is that? I like

ahahahah that is a great idea they always stand on the corner same with car wash ladies :slight_smile:

nice vid

That was hilarious! The last one ducking with the sign & hit the deck!
Love it-

5% all around (Limo)

yessssss! girls always scream, especially when they’re in groups for some reason. haha, love it!

great vid!

The last girl running and hiding under sign was classic!

Actually, from what I could see that day, there was only one chick (hot latina)…

The rest (including that last one hiding under the sign) were all dudes lol

man thats funny
bro hay they ask
for it you gave it
to them lol :stuck_out_tongue: vary
nice vid bro.